Monday, February 24, 2014

Problem Solving - OnLine Math League!


OnLine Math League

Students have just finished participating in our second OnLine Math League competition.  This competition includes 2nd grade students from across the county, state, and nation.  Each student takes a 15 question test within a 30 minute time constraint.  The tests are then scored and scores are entered on line.  Once the competition ends, classes are ranked based on scoring performance. 
For our FIRST competition, we came in #1 in the county, #8 in the state, and #23 in the nation...WOW!!!!  The second test was incredibly difficult, but I am SO, SO proud of how the students worked within their time limit to solve problems.  Congratulations to AVA, who scored a 100%!!!!
The pictures show how students responded to being giving a practice test from the OnLine Math League website.  They solved problems on their whiteboards to practice for the test...they were SO excited about the challenge of the practice test!

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